Inspiration From a Graveyard

It’s been a while since I posted last, about a month or two actually, so I thought it was about time I posted something. We went up to visit my grandparents’ graves this afternoon. I got a spider on me. But while we were there we saw two graves side by side in a lonely corner and it inspired me to write this (which may be a poem I’m not sure) which is sort of based around Solomon Grundy. It’s called Side by Side.

Monday. Side by side in a lonely corner. Babies sleeping, mothers whisper.

Tuesday. Side by side and hand in hand, children skip to school.

Wednesday. Side by side and hand in hand, dancing at the prom.

Thursday. Side by side before the vicar. ‘Do you take each other?’ ‘I do.’ ‘I do.’

Friday. Side by side, beaming down. The pitter patter of tiny feet.

Saturday. Side by side, hands gripped tight. Bad news wears a white coat and stethoscope.

Sunday. Side by side in a lonely corner. Two graves beneath a shady tree, together forever.

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