Category Archives: Poetry

Inspiration From a Graveyard

It’s been a while since I posted last, about a month or two actually, so I thought it was about time I posted something. We went up to visit my grandparents’ graves this afternoon. I got a spider on me. But while we were there we saw two graves side by side in a lonely corner and it inspired me to write this (which may be a poem I’m not sure) which is sort of based around Solomon Grundy. It’s called Side by Side.

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The Wesley Song

Some people have dogs. Others have cats. I would like a dog, or a cat, but I can’t afford it and I don’t think my Landlord would be too pleased. So instead I have a hamster. His name is Wesley (after the Last of the Summer Wine character) and this is his song (Song based on Harry Partridge’s Skyrim song).

Note: Wesley has not eaten most of the items in this song, nor will he.

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Bump in the Night

Amongst my friends I am known for writing violence and often it is graphic; bloody decapitations, open fractures, people setting on fire, occasional torture, that sort of thing. That by no means, makes me a violent person. I used to read my novel to my house mate and she would often comment on how dark and violent it was at times, but the darkest thing I have probably ever written was not graphic violence and it rhymed.

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